Saturday, December 3, 2016

Advent Devotion: December 3

Isaiah 52:12
When I was a freshman in high school, I was playing basketball and to help raise money for the team we had to sell adds to local businesses.  My mom drove me around to different businesses and the first one we approached I tried to speak but couldn’t because I was too nervous my mom ended up doing all the talking and we sold an add.  Like my 14 year old self, I think we have all faced challenges in life where we said this is too scary or too hard, I want to ask someone else to do this for me.

When those times do come, remember this verse.  God promises to be our guard both ahead of us and behind us.  Whether it’s a bully at school or trying to find time to do Christmas shopping on top of everything else we all faces challenges in life.  But God will be with us and we can trust in his promise.

Activity: Watch the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, and then talk about these questions?   What was George Bailey afraid of, what did he learn when he saw an alternate reality.

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